The original document is in private ownership of Silke Mühle.

This list of ancestors contains 189 individuals, and is spanning the period from 19th century to date. The ancestors originated from the Limbach and Rochlitz areas. Some lines reach to Holland.

The list of ancestors was compiled by Silke Mühle, smu ‎[at]‎ webgenealogie ‎[dot]‎ de. Further information and sources for the Mühle family research can be obtained from the author.

Access to the list is granted to family members and to researchers who have ancestral coherence, or who can contribute to this list. Additions and corrections are welcome, preferably from church records.

Please, contact the team of this website: team ‎[at]‎ webgenealogie ‎[dot]‎ de.

