The original document is in private ownership of the Papsdorf family archive where it was given by the daughter of the author. This list of ancestors contains 1444 individuals spanning the period from the 15th century up do date. They originated from the regions Middle and Upper Ore Mountains. Some lines reach back to the 14th century.

The List of Ancestors was compiled by Martin Ziller (+1986) and kindly recorded by Olaf Thieme, .

The author indicates the following in his preface:

'This list is only a beginning. The reader will quickly realise that the presentation not only requires a great deal of elaboration but also has to be checked for confident filiation in many ways. The latter is due to the comparative small number of available parochial notices so that at first easier accessible sources of the State Archive Dresden have been consulted.
The documentary material provided by the Central Office for Genealogy of the GDR proved to be very helpful, too.
The reasons why I already make the list of ancestors available to the Central Office for Genealogy in Leipzig in such an unfinished state are my great age and my not really wonderful state of health. It seems questionable whether I could be the one who is able to provide the lots of missing church record information not to mention the arising extensions. This work will probably have to be done by others! Hopefully, some will be willing!'

Access to the list is granted to family members and to researchers with
common ancestors, or who can contribute to this list. Additions and
corrections are welcome, preferably from church records.

Please contact at



Alte, Altermann, Apitz, Arnold, Arollt, Augustin, Bach, Bachmann, Baldauf, Baltauff, Barth, Bauch, Bauer, Behm, Behme, Berge, Berger, Bergmann, Bernhardt, Berthol, Berthold, Bertholdt, Beurich, Beyer, Beyrich, Bock, Boden, Bormann, Born, Böhme, Börner, Bötticher, Braun, Bretschneider, Brotkorb, Bruchholz, Brückner, Buchheim, Burkhart, Butter, Büchsenleister, Bültz, Bütner, Claß, Claus, Clauß, Curth, Däveritz, Dävert, Däweritz, Dietmann, Dietmar, Dittrich, Doner, Döche, Drechsel, Drechsler, Dünel, Ebel, Eberhardt, Enzmann, Erler, Eulenberger, Eulitz, Feiereisen, Fellgner, Fichtner, Findeisen, Fischer, Fleischer, Forwerg, Förster, Francke, Frantz, Freitag, Fritzsche, Fuchs, Fueß, Gaitzsch, Gebart, Gebhard, Geisler, Geißler, Gelhaar, Gentzsch, Gerber, Gey, Gläser, Glöß, Goldammer, Goldschmidt, Goltzsch, Görne, Greiff, Grellmann, Grießbach, Große, Großöhme, Gruhl, Gruhle, Gruhne, Guth, Güntzel, Haferkorn, Hansen, Hauck, Haugk, Hähnel, Hänßel, Häßler, Hecht, Heine, Heinrich, Heintze, Heinze, Helbig, Held, Hellwich, Hemmerling, Hempel, Hensel, Hensgen, Henstädt, Herich, Hermann, Heßel, Heydenreich, Heyne, Hieckel, Hilbert, Hirschheide, Hobrich, Hofmann, Horn, Hoyer, Höhne, Hubrich, Hunger, Hübler, Hühnichen, Ilgen, Inckermann, Isaac, Jäger, Jänichen, Jehenichen, Jemichen, Jenicke, Jentzsch, Jobst, Jodicke, Jolier, Jost, Jünger, Kaden, Kahle, Katzmann, Keilhau, Keller, Kießling, Kirschten, Kirsten, Kleeberg, Knoll, Kohl, Koitz, Koler, Kollzsch, Koltzsch, Koßelitz, Köhler, Kößer, Krauße, Kreller, Kresig, Kretzschmar, Kreysens, Kreyß, Kröner, Kunze, Kühn, Kühne, Lange, Laubinger, Lehmann, Leipnitz, Liebezeit, Liebscher, Lippmann, List, Lochmann, Loßnitzer, Lössig, Lößer, Martin, May, Maz, Mältzer, Mebis, Mebus, Meckeritz, Mehner, Meiner, Mertzdorf, Michael, Michel, Minckner, Mirisch, Mocker, Mockwitz, Morgenstern, Möbius, Mönch, Muster, Mühl, Müller, Münch, N.N., Nagel, Naumann, Nendel, Nestler, Neuber, Nickel, Oehme, Oehmichen, Opitz, Otto, Paatze, Pabst, Paitzen, Pantner, Perschmann, Peßler, Petzsch, Pfeifer, Pflugbeil, Pfund, Pincker, Pinckert, Pinkert, Pirner, Planitz, Porsch, Pörner, Preißker, Prengel, Priemer, Proscher, Quas, Rabe, Rabß, Reichel, Richter, Rinckefeil, Rinkefeil, Rochlitzer, Rolle, Roß, Roßberg, Roßbrig, Ruhl, Sandig, Sättler, Schaaf, Schanze, Schindler, Schmied, Schmieder, Schneider, Schönhals, Schreber, Schröter, Schubart, Schubert, Schultze, Schulze, Schumann, Schuster, Schürer, Seydel, Sorge, Sparmann, Stein, Stephan, Stiehl, Strölle, Tauchnitz, Teich, Teichgräber, Tham, Themmig, Thomas, Tiefthal, Tittmann, Träger, Trommler, Tröger, Tzschoche, Veihweg, Voigt, Wadewitz, Wagner, Walpe, Walter, Walther, Wangen, Weinhart, Weinmeiser, Weißgerber, Wentzel, Werner, Winkler, Wolff, Zeilig, Zeisig, Zencker, Ziechner, Ziller, Zschau, Zscherpel, Zschiege, Zschoche