Register of tax payers based on transcriptions from the official heritage tax record book of the Zwickau/Werdau district from the year 1460.

They were compiled by the genealogist Ernst Költzsch in Wilkau-Haßlau in December 1967. Publishing was permitted courtesy of his son, Prof. Dr.
Költzsch in Dresden. The original is held in the Sächsische Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden (General Saxon State Archive), signature SächsHStA Dresden, Loc. 38121. The transcript is in the library Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau, a copy is held in the archive of the AMF e.V.

These records contain the persons liable for tax for the districts Zwickau and Werdau. There are further duties and labours named in the preliminary notes. Also available as PDF file.

Author's notes:

Actually, the specification 1460 in this "Official heritage tax record book of the Zwickau/Werdau district 1460" is not quite applicable. It is the copy of a probably older book, which was probably done after 1510 judging by the hand of the first copyist. The pencil note "abt. 1530" on the cover is i. m.
o. not correct. There are copies of older Zwickau events in the book as well as a lot of follow-ups for the taxpayers mentioned before (e.g. subsequent owners), written by different hands. I have set such successors in brackets below the list. Sometimes several subsequent owners for one property are mentioned.
I thought the copies of older events interesting enough to give their content, as f.e. No. 66 where 1440 witnesses older than 70 years are listed, thus born in the 14th century. Also, the conferral of Jahnsgrün by Mülich von Carlowicz and the several arbitral awards concerning the rights of feoffees are certainly of interest.
For Marienthal a.o. in 1552 and for Schedewitz in 1563 are a number of inhabitants listet in the tax records who must be later than the names written by the first copyist, whose year is not determined. In some parts the book matches the 1486 Zwickau/Werdau heritage records in the Weimar State Archive, which I have edited earlier.
The heritage tax record book is a great contribution to the history of the Zwickau/Werdau districts and this extract an easily usable source.

For further notes on individual pages see the German version.

We thank Klaus Heilmann, kh [at] webgenealogie [dot] de for copying and preparation of the data.

For further information please contact the team at contact form.


Achtzennicht, Ackermann, Andres, Arnold, Arnolt, Änderlein, Baldauff, Baumann, Baur, Bayer, Beham, Behr, Beier, Benedikt, Bertold, Beyl, Beyr, Biroldt, Blechschmidt, Bloß, Bombergk, Bormchan, Bosen, Braewer, Brenner, Bretschneider, Brix, Bronner, Brückner, Bunau, Burkhardt, Bünaw, Cadener, Carlowicz, Carlowitz, Clement, Crafft, Cratzper, Creutzen, Cruger, Cuntz, Dietrich, Dobeneck, Domell, Donat, Dorffel, Dorrubel, Dragsdor, Droll, Dromer, Drommer, Ebersbach, Ebhardt, Eckstein, Egrer, Ende, Engelmann, Ernst, Escherer, Ferber, Fickel, Fischer, Fleck, Flos, Floß, Forberger, Forster, Forwerger, Franck, Francke, Frank, Freund, Freundt, Freunt, Freunth, Friedrich, Frölich, Frundt, Fuchs, Fugmann, Führer, Gauern, Gaulenhofer, Gelßdorff, Gerbart, Gerigk, Gerin, Geschka, Geßner, Geßnitz, Gläser, Gleser, Glockesch, Goldacker, Golthan, Grebner, Grho, Gromer, Groschop, Groß, Großell, Grünewald, Grünewaldt, Guffa, Hack, Hammel, Hannitzsch, Hartigk, Hauenstein, Heberer, Heckel, Heidenreich, Heincze, Henell, Henn, Hermann, Herold, Heroldt, Hertell, Herttell, Hertwigk, Hertzer, Herzogk, Hiltener, Hoff, Hoffmann, Hohll, Holde, Hommel, Horcher, Hornigk, Horning, Hornn, Hornung, Hutter, Ilgen, Ilgenn, Jacoff, Jordann, Kampf, Kampff, Kauern, Kelcz, Kelner, Keße, Keßner, Kißling, Klemmer, Koler, Koller, Konig, Konigk, Korber, Korner, Kornn, Kratzper, Krauße, Krell, Kretschmar, Kretzschmar, Kreuzen, Krotzsch, Krugk, Langhans, Lasan, Lauterbacher, Lehnert, Lengk, Liefogel, Lindener, Lindner, Lippold, List, Liwoldt, Lochmann, Losther, Löffler, Luckener, Lymmer, Mals, Maltitz, Marschalk, Martin, Mats, Maurer, Medler, Meidler, Meissen, Merckel, Merckell, Mergener, Mergenthal, Meritzsch, Merten, Mertin, Mertzsch, Metsch, Meurer, Michel, Miltitz, Moiseck, Morgenstern, Muler, Multerer, Musel, Müller, Mülpfort, Myd, N.N., Naumann, Neser, Neßer, Neumann, Neumeister, Nönner, Nurnberg, Oberdörfer, Oler, Ott, Peler, Peuder, Pf., Pfabe, Pfnawßner, Pfütz, Philipp, Planitz, Pletner, Plochmann, Pock, Polack, Pollner, Portzler, Pöltzel, Preuß, Proß, Pultz, Putzolt, Pützschhans, Rabe, Rackisch, Rahm, Ranczsch, Rang, Rauth, Reinold, Reinolt, Reiß, Rentsch, Richter, Rigell, Ritter, Rockstroh, Rodeck, Rost, Rostel, Roth, Römer, Rudel, Runslers, Rymen, Sangner, Sauermann, Schaller, Schaufuß, Schedell, Scheffler, Schefler, Scheibner, Schell, Scheller, Schenke, Scheurer, Scheutzlich, Schick, Schicke, Schiecke, Schieferdecker, Schimpermann, Schimpfermann, Schindler, Schirmigk, Schirnigk, Schlebitz, Schlegel, Schleifer, Schleiffer, Schleinitz, Schleitz, Schlesinger, Schmidt, Schmutzler, Schneider, Schofler, Schomburg, Schönaw, Schönbergk, Schönfels, Schönn, Schönsberg, Schram, Schreiber, Schreiter, Schubert, Schumann, Schuster, Schürer, Schütz, Schwartzenberg, Schwartzenberger, Schwartzenburg, Schwarzenbergk, Schwemmel, Seyller, Somer, Sommer, Sommerschuch, Sorgell, Sörer, Sparnbergk, Spigel, Sporner, Stang, Stangel, Starschedel, Stephan, Storch, Studler, Stumpf, Tech, Teimler, Temler, Terminarius, Teußler, Themmler, Thomas, Thumler, Thürschmidt, Tietz, Tischer, Titz, Troll, Trommer, Tröger, Trützschler, Tuchmacher, Tunaw, Tümler, Ulmann, Unger, Urlas, Urlass, Uttenhof, Uttenhofen, Uttenhoff, Vinzel, Vogel, Voith, Volckel, Voytt, Wachsmann, Wagner, Walter, Weber, Wechsler, Weida, Weidlich, Weissenbach, Weiß, Weller, Welnitz, Wendler, Wener, Werner, Wertel, Wetzel, Weyß, Wherel, Widmann, Wilde, Wirckner, Wolfersdorf, Wolfersdorff, Wolframsdorf, Wolner, Zcahnbeck, Zcech, Zceiner, Zcötschen, Zeidler, Zimmermann, Zirolt, Zorn, Zschocher