Lists of ancestors

Family researchers sum up their results in lists of ancestors. Befor the spread of computers in Germany the collection of results has been done on file cards and in the form of typed lists of ancestors.
Purpose of this database is to make this lists available to a broad community of researchers. For this these lists, only available as file cards or typed documents, are beeing digitized. After that they are linked to person entries in the database and put online. The results are pubished in the database.
If you posses 'old' lists of ancesters with predominant Saxon entries that absolutely should be published, please contact the project team.
Publication is free of charge.

In the name of the project team

René Gränz

So far published sources:

Ancestors of the Ahnert family Ancestors of the Irmscher family Ancestors of the Schmidt family
Ancestors of the Altermann family Ancestors of the Jatzke family Ancestors of the Schmidt II family
Ancestors of the Althanns family Ancestors of the Jöhler family Ancestors of the Schmidtke family
Ancestors of the Ansorge family Ancestors of the Jung family Ancestors of the Schmöller family
Ancestors of the Arnold family Ancestors of the Kaden family Ancestors of the Schönfeld family
Ancestors of the Austel family Ancestors of the Keil family Ancestors of the Schreyer family
Ancestors of the Bahls family Ancestors of the Keinert family Ancestors of the Schulze family
Ancestors of the Baumgartl family Ancestors of the Keller family Ancestors of the Seifert family
Ancestors of the Beier family Ancestors of the Kirmße family Ancestors of the Seifert/Langer family
Ancestors of the Berger family Ancestors of the Kirsten family Ancestors of the Stöhr family
  Ancestors of the Kittner family  
Ancestors of the Bock family Ancestors of the Klein family Ancestors of the Teichmann family
Ancestors of the Böttcher family Ancestors of the Klose family Ancestors of the Tittel family

Ancestors of the Brommer family

Ancestors of the Kneisel family Ancestors of the Trojahn family
Ancestors of the Deistler family Ancestors of the Knobloch family Ancestors of the Uhlmann family
Ancestors of the Diener family Ancestors of the Knötschke family Ancestors of the Viehweger family
Ancestors of the Dietz family Ancestors of the Kober family Ancestors of the Vincenz family
Ancestors of the Dietze family Ancestors of the Kongsbak family Ancestors of the Viol family
Ancestors of the Doberenz family Ancestors of the König family Ancestors of the Vogel/Kreisel family
Ancestors of the Döscher family Ancestors of the Kramer family Ancestors of the Voigtländer family
Ancestors of the Ferber family Ancestors of the Kriebitz family Ancestors of the Waack family
Ancestors of the Fiedler family Ancestors of the Kroschk family Ancestors of the Wätzig family
Ancestors of the Fiedler II family Ancestors of the Krüpfganz family Ancestors of the Weigel family
Ancestors of the Flehmig family Ancestors of the Kutsche family Ancestors of the Werner family
Ancestors of the Frickert family Ancestors of the Langer family Ancestors of the Wildenhain family
Ancestors of the Fritzsche family Ancestors of the Lauckner family Ancestors of the Wilhelm family
Ancestors of the Fröbel family Ancestors of the Lauckner II family Ancestors of the Winkler family
Ancestors of the Gensel family Ancestors of the Leister family

Ancestors of the Winkler II family

Ancestors of the Gensel II family    
Ancestors of the Glashagen family Ancestors of the Leonhardt family Ancestors of the Wittmann family
Ancestors of the Goetze family Ancestors of the Liebezeit family Ancestors of the Wöhrmann family
Ancestors of the Göldner family Ancestors of the Lindner family Ancestors of the Wünsche family
Ancestors of the Grahnert family Ancestors of the Lindner II family Ancestors of the Würzberger family
Ancestors of the Gränz family Ancestors of the Lipfert family Ancestors of the Zahlaus family
Ancestors of the Günther family Ancestors of the Lundy family Ancestors of the Zeitz family
Ancestors of the Hagner family Ancestors of the Lipfert family Ancestors of the Ziller family
Ancestors of the Halm/Meerstein family Ancestors of the Mühle family Descendants of the Becker family
Ancestors of the Hänichen family Ancestors of the Müller family Descendants of the Bellmann family
Ancestors of the Harnisch family Ancestors of the Müller II family Descendants of the Dehn/Zille family
Ancestors of the Haussig family Ancestors of the Neunhöfer family Descendants of the Fellgiebel family
Ancestors of the Heidenreich family Ancestors of the Oehmichen family Descendants of the Gränz family
Ancestors of the Heidrich family Ancestors of the Pabst family Descendants of the Hartenstein family
Ancestors of the Heilmann family Ancestors of the Papsdorf family Descendants of the Heilmann family
Ancestors of the Hein family Ancestors of the Polster family Descendants of the Heinzig family
Ancestors of the Hempel family Ancestors of the Porstmann family Descendants of the Kolditz family
Ancestors of the Hensel family Ancestors of the Richter family Descendants of the Kramer family
Ancestors of the Hering family Ancestors of the Riedel family Descendants of the Kreß family
Ancestors of the Herzschuh family Ancestors of the Röllnreiter family Descendants of the Kühnrich/Kühnert family
Ancestors of the Hessel family Ancestors of the Rudolph family Descendants of the Mirus family
Ancestors of the Höfgen family Ancestors of the Runge family Descendants of the Otto family
Ancestors of the Holzhausen family Ancestors of the Schäfer family Descendants of the Rumberg family
Ancestors of the Schäffler family Descendants of the Sachs family